Beneficiary Designation

Designating a beneficiary is one of the most important decisions a firefighter can make, given the risks of serving as a first responder. A summary of key information for active and retired members can be found below. Please contact the pension office if you have further questions regarding your beneficiary designation. 

Active Members

  • There is no limit for changing your designated beneficiary while active.
  • You may change your beneficiary by submitting  Form 500A to the pension office.
  • If you are married, your spouse is automatically designated as your beneficiary.
  • If you are not married but have dependent children, they are automatically designated as your beneficiary until they reach age 22 or marry.

Retired Members

  • Retired members who elected a Normal Retirement Annuity are limited to two beneficiary changes post-retirement. For each beneficiary change, there will be an actuarial reduction to your monthly annuity benefit.
  • You may change your beneficiary by submitting  Form 500R to the pension office.
  • Retired members who marry post-retirement under a Normal Retirement Annuity will automatically adopt their spouse as their beneficiary two years following their date of marriage, without any reduction to benefits. Please notify the pension office of the marriage and submit a copy of your marriage certificate.
  • DROP beneficiaries can be changed by submitting the  DROP Form to the pension office.
  • There is no consequence for changing a DROP beneficiary post-retirement. However, if you are married and choose to elect a beneficiary other than your spouse, you must provide notarized consent from your spouse.